Corresponding Desk
Our school's vision goes beyond the achievement of Academic Excellence. It aims at effecting a radical change in attitude, weaning away the student from narrow self interests and prejudices and liberating his mind and help him to raise his full potential.
Improvement of morals and manners is brought about through personal and meticulous care. The students are groomed to provide leadership in various spheres of life to their community and to our country.
Plans have been laid out for instilling into the students the Gandhian Ideals of Simplicity, Sincerity, and Service to the mankind and the courage to take a stand and speak up the truth.
The approach of the school is to groom the students for important careers. Students are trained to join with zest the mainstream of national aspirations and to imbibe egalitarian values. They are provided opportunities to familiarize themselves with rural India and to attune themselves to its needs
KMC’s motto of Faith and Learning is central to our School. It is reflected each day in the quality of our academic programmes, our Pastoral Care programme and through interactions with our students. As a school worshiping together, we encourage each other to develop empathy for the individual and an acceptance of the fullness of human life.
A successful process of the gradual awakening of the child’s latent sensibilities leading to the total development of all his faculties involves a fruitful interaction between the parent, the teacher and the child. For this 3-tiered approach to education to work, all the three, the parent, the teacher and the child need to work at the relationship with dedication, sincerity and a genuine desire to understand and appreciate each other’s viewpoints.
I have come to appreciate the unique nature of this community. Each day I uncover additional facets that I believe contribute to our distinctive character and that strong sense of belonging that pervades our School. I have seen this extended to new students and their families, as they connect to our community.
“There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in.”
A thought such as this brings home to us afresh the magnitude of the responsibility that lies with the educator- the facilitator who brings a child closer to his inner potential, his social –emotional self and to life itself.
A child comes to school – trusting, eager and vulnerable, only partly conditioned by his experiences within the home. We find that the schooling is not merely about teaching children reading, writing and communication skills. It involves a whole set of life- skills with which we can equip our children to face life, putting their best foot forward.
Positive attitudes, self esteem, self image, goal setting, satisfying interpersonal relationships and values are intrinsic in the process of development. All this becomes possible when schools believe in teaching children basic life skills.
“Tread softly, for you tread on my dreams” said a poet. Each child is an individual with a dream and we can certainly help him to realize his dream, thereby reaffirming his faith in the ultimate goodness of man.
We are a school where each student is encouraged to strive and achieve. At KMC, students are challenged to extend their journey of learning by engaging in a rich and compelling curriculum. They are taught by staff who demonstrates a boundless passion and commitment to their craft.
The support and nurturing that our students enjoy, along with the diverse opportunities available to them at a local and regional level, encourages a conviction that they can make a positive contribution in the broader world.
It is a premise of the KMC that our students will experience academic, sporting, boarding and social activities in a co-educational learning environment. I believe this helps to prepare them for challenges evident in an increasingly convoluted, rapid moving adult world. This model, adopted from Nursery to Grading level provokes a family atmosphere where the expectation is that our students will care for all members of our community.
The legacies that our current students enjoy are gifts from the past which support our future growth. We are beneficiaries of a rich and diverse heritage.
However, for me, the most distinguishing feature of our School is not its attractive physical attributes, but our students. I see individuals of all ages who are happy, welcoming and confident. They play sport with conviction, enjoy music and cultural pursuits with vigour and live and learn at KMC with a certainty of purpose. They actively pursue and embrace the 'can do' and 'can achieve' attitudes that are the hallmark of a KMC student.
We firmly believe that a school should provide to the child an atmosphere permeated with love, encouragement and acceptance, conducive to the unfolding of the child’s latent potentialities – the treasure within
KMC students enjoy working with each other, caring for one another, rejoicing together when they succeed and supporting each other when they fail. But always they learn from what has taken place. Each day I am reminded of the challenges and achievements that working with engaged young minds can bring. As a teacher, this is reward in itself.
KMC has believed sincerely in the holistic approach to education whereby a child, as a matter of right, is given the ambience to flower to the full and become a happy, productive member of the human family.
I look forward to guiding KMC towards an exciting and dynamic future and I thank the School community for their support.
Cheers & Good Wishes